Learning & Development
Talent development is the life-blood of any progressive organisation. Darbyshire Consulting has the resources to help you succeed...
Our development work falls into three distinct categories:
Executive development programmes - developing director and management talent in medium-sized and larger organisations has become one of our key specialist areas
Skills training - for managers and staff in organisations of all sizes
Management development processes
Extensive across-the-board experience enables us to put development solutions in context – and then design and deliver bespoke programmes with measurable outcomes that really make a difference.
For more information, contact us today.
* Executive Development Programmes
We design and deliver a range of Executive Development Programmes which are available as part of our Residential Courses.
Every Executive Development Programme is tailored to the specific needs of our client. They range from three-day Team-building or Personal Impact programmes to our flagship Leadership Programme, involving several modules and usually spread over 18 months.
As you would expect, these intense, challenging and entirely bespoke programmes cover a broad spectrum of senior management, Board-level and leadership skills. More specifically, they include:
- Leadership
- Personal impact & presentation skills
- Influencing skills
- Team building
- Gaining motivation and strong commitment
- Coaching
- 'Selling' ideas and proposals
* Skills training
We also run a wide variety of short workshops that cover essential and highly-specific management skills such as Interview Techniques, Handling Disciplinary and Grievance issues, Giving Difficult Feedback effectively and Performance Management.
* Management development processes
In addition to our Programmes and Worshops, through a process of analysis and debate we create a 'road map' for developing your internal management talent. Listed below are some examples of ways we can optimise your management development:
Competency frameworks - for use in succession planning, in creating personal development plans and in making internal and external appointments
Development centres - to review in-house talent and create development plans
Appraisal schemes and appraisal training
Succession planning
Career planning
360-degree feedback
To find out more about our work in Learning & Development, contact us today.